Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need a Diagnosis to receive therapy?

Absolutely not. Your therapist will take the time to understand your concerns and collaborate with you to find workable solutions. You will always be treated as a whole and complex person, not a rubber stamped diagnosis.

How can Behavior Therapy benefit me or my loved one?

If you feel stuck in a pattern of unhelpful behavior, then behavior therapy may benefit you. Our process works by first determining your unique values. Then, based on your identified values, you and your therapist will develop specific goals and a road map to achieving those goals. Behavioral therapy can benefit anyone interested in improving their quality of life or working to improve the life of a loved one, through small actionable steps. If you wish your world could be fuller, richer, larger, but your mind seems to hold you back, behavior therapy may benefit you.

What is Behavior Therapy?

Behavior therapy is a science-based therapy that focuses on active interventions. It applies a uniquely non-pathological approach that centers on meaningful growth.

Who is Behavioral Therapy for?

Behavioral therapy is for anyone interested in improving their quality of life or working to improve the life of a loved one, through small actionable steps.

How can I support my Teen, Pre-teen, or Young Adult during these difficult times?

We are living through incredibly trying times. As challenging as these times are for adults, there is ample evidence to suggest that for children, the psychological impact is even greater. Children are inundated with a barrage of stressors at a rate nearly identical to that of their adult counterparts. And unfortunately, children have not yet had a lifetime of learning to build up a repertoire of healthy coping skills. But, children who recognize their personal values and how to meet their own needs in a healthy way are far less likely to experience psychological suffering. Our behavior therapy services are tailored specifically to the unique needs of adolescents and young adults. Our therapeutic interventions focus on identifying values, learning healthy coping skills, setting boundaries, increasing psychological flexibility, increasing independent living skills, and learning appropriate self-advocacy. Cultivating these skills now will help your child better navigate an increasingly formidable world.

What will Therapy look like for me or my loved one?

At Inspiring Agency, we tailor your therapy to your unique needs. Typically, the first step is an initial assessment session where you and your therapist will work collaboratively to determine your values, target behaviors of interest, and establish specific value-based goals. From there, sessions will occur as frequently as you and your therapist determine necessary to achieve therapeutic goals. Sessions will take place either over a secure telehealth platform, in-person within the comfort of your home, on-site of frequently targeted behavior (school, work, gym, etc.), or any other neutral safe area where you feel comfortable. During sessions, you will be given space to emotionally check-in/ process with your therapist, develop and practice new skills, and learn how to quantitatively monitor goals. Because both you and your therapist are monitoring the progress of the goals, goal completion is clear and straightforward. Goals can always be amended throughout the therapeutic process. At Inspiring Agency, we believe the purpose of therapy is to help clients live a life more in line with their personal values.

Find more about our services here.

Who is Caregiver Coaching for?

The truth is that virtually any caregiver can benefit from a compassionate coach. New parents, parents of adolescents, parents providing care to their own parents or adult children, and caregivers contending with a recent mental health diagnosis of a loved one might especially benefit from a Caregiver Coach by their side.

What is Caregiver Coaching?

Caregiver Coaching is a process by which a Board Certified Behavior Analyst listens to your concerns regarding a loved one in a non-judgmental, empathic manner and teaches you step-by-step ways to avoid blows-ups, reduce emotional tension, and increase productive learning skills.

Find more about Caregiver Coaching here.

Why choose Behavior Therapy?

Behavior therapy focuses on the context and function of behavior. We look at specific behavior, within its context and ask "Why is this behavior happening, how is it currently serving this individual, and what is a more workable behavioral solution?" At Inspiring Agency, we believe that a diagnostic label, in and of itself, is seldom predictive of life outcome. Therefore, we focus energy on making small but meaningful environmental changes that ARE predictive of greater quality of life outcomes.

Whether you are someone seeking to change your own behavior or a caregiver seeking guidance to support the behavior change of a loved one, a person-centered behavioral approach can help create a value-driven path to tangible results. Because Behavior therapy treats behavior rather than diagnosis, it is widely recognized as an effective treatment in a variety of psychological challenges (American Psychological Association, 2017).

You can learn more about Behaviorism here.

What is a Board Certified Behavior Analyst?

A Board Certified Behavior Analyst is a Master or Doctorate level professional who has met extensive experience standards and passed their board exam in behavior science.

What sets Inspiring Agency apart?

Inspiring Agency is therapist-owned and operated. We use science and philosophy as guiding principles. We only practice behavior analytic therapy. We do not take a kitchen sink approach to psychological philosophy. So, you can rest assured that your therapist is board certified and highly skilled in the techniques they will use in your therapy sessions. Any and all interventions that you and your therapist decide on will be supported by scientific evidence. But what truly sets us apart is our person-centered approach and ability to empathically communicate with clients. In addition to Behavior Analysis, our therapists are trained in Clinical Counseling at the graduate level. This additional education and experience enable our therapists to truly hear clients and help them navigate difficult situations in a collaborative way.

Does Inspiring Agency accept Insurance?

At this time, in keeping in line with a non-pathological approach to therapy, Inspiring Agency is a private pay organization. We hold Client privacy in high regard and find it medically unnecessary to share sensitive documentation with third party insurance companies. Many insurance agencies require a specific diagnosis, arbitrarily restrict forms of interventions, and limit the number of therapeutic contacts to ten visits per year. We believe our clients deserve the highest quality of care and a private pay platform enables us to deliver that high standard of care. We are pleased to offer a sliding rate to those experiencing financial hardship, please contact us via email for further information.

Where is Inspiring Agency located?

Our therapists come to you. Whether via our secure telehealth platform, within the comfort of your home, on site of frequent behavioral concerns, or in any other neutral safe area for you, your comfort is our priority.

Why will we be Collecting Data on my Goals?

In Behavior Therapy, reflective listening is a necessary but not sufficient aspect of intervention. For meaningful change to occur, actionable steps are required. With your therapist, you will create value-based goals and collect measurements of incremental goal completion. Data collection provides you a tangible map of your therapeutic progress.

What is Behavior Analysis?

Behavior Analysis is the science of behavior. Behavior Analysis is guided by the philosophical underpinning of Behaviorism. Its applied application, Applied Behavior Analysis, encompasses a broad scope, meaning it has therapeutic benefits to a wide range of people in a wide range of settings (BACB, 2021). Applied Behavior Analysis is recognized as a highly effective treatment for a variety of social & emotional disorders (APA, 2017).

Find more on Behavior Analysis here, here, here, & here.

What constitutes Behavior?

From a Radical Behaviorist standpoint, "Behavior" is anything a person can do. This includes everything from running a marathon to feeling sad and depressed. For the purposes of behavior therapy, understanding what is and is not a behavior can be important for goal setting. Behavior practitioners help their clients develop behavior-based goals. For example, a behavior-based goal might look like "I'm going to walk one mile twice a week for 3 consecutive weeks," vs. a non-behavior-based goal, "I'm going to stop sitting on the couch all the time." In order for any behavior goal to be truly effective, it needs to be in line with the individual's values.

What are Values and How are they Distinct from Goals?

Your values are your compass. They are not something to be attained or achieved. Rather, values are your navigation system. Every individual's values are uniquely their own. Examples of values include freedom, equity, generosity, humility, and patience. Values are distinct from goals, in that goals can and should be achieved. Values play an important role in determining the right goals for us and guide us toward achieving those goals. This is what we mean by "value-based" goals.

What is Acceptance and Commitment Therapy?

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy/Training (ACT) is a form of Behavior therapy. It is a science-based therapeutic approach that seeks to increase psychological flexibility, which simply refers to a person's ability to contextually adapt their behavior in order to maximize benefits. ACT helps clients identify personal values and move closer to self-identified goals.

What is Functional Contextualism?

Functional Contextualism is a scientific and psychological philosophy. Those who practice Functional Contextualism seek to both predict and influence events with precision, scope, and depth, (Gifford & Hayes, 1999). Simply put, Functional Contextualism is to observe and account for behavior within the context of the environment and predict and influence those behaviors.

Find more on Functional Contextualism here.